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DIA 22/11/2008




Estrada da Pontinha, 7 CARNIDE






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14,15 às 18 horas








Notícias sobre: Parkinson
Fim da moral que mata
O Globo - Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazil
Ela comanda a Parkinson’s Action Net-work, entidade que representa os portadores da doença nos EUA (são 1 milhão; 60 000 novos casos são diagnosticados por ...
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Células-tronco possuem grande capacidade de transformação celular
Abril - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... para doenças que até pouco tempo eram consideradas incontornáveis, como diabetes, esclerose, infarto, distrofia muscular, Alzheimer e Parkinson. ...
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Revista Pesquisa
Pesquisa FAPESP -
Revista Pesquisa - São Paulo,Brazil
... problemas cardíacos, de anomalias de origem genética como distrofia muscular e de doenças degenerativas do sistema nervoso como mal de Parkinson. ...
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Rainha dá sinal verde a pesquisa com embriões híbridos no R.Unido - Brazil
Apoiada pelo Partido Conservador e rejeitada pela Igreja Católica, a lei é uma vitória à pesquisa de possíveis remédios para doenças como o Parkinson e ...
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Cinema em Cena
Morre a jornalista Dulce Damasceno de Brito, aos 82 anos
Cinema em Cena - Belo Horizonte,MG,Brazil
De acordo com o diretor de cinema e escritor Alfredo Sternheim ela estava muito debilitada devido ao mal de Parkinson, doença que a vitimava há 20 anos. ...
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Morre em São Paulo, aos 82 anos, a jornalista Dulce Damasceno
Portal Imprensa - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Segundo noticiou o portal G1, a profissional sofria de mal de Parkinson e chegou a ser encaminhada ao pronto socorro de Santo Amaro, mas já chegou ao local ...
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Obama deve reverter decisões de Bush, diz assessor
O Globo - Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazil
Muitos se opuseram ao decreto, alegando que ele prejudicaria pesquisas em busca de tratamento e cura para doenças como os Males de Alzheimer e Parkinson. ...
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Michael J. Fox em papel irónico
Correio da Manhã - Lisboa,Lisboa,Portugal
Michael J. Fox, que sofre de Parkinson – perturbação degenerativa que afecta o sistema motor e provoca tremores – acha irónico que o seu regresso à ...
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Study: Brain stimulation may ease anxiety disorder
Jackson Clarion Ledger - Jackson,MS,USA
AP • November 18, 2008 NEW YORK — The same kind of deep brain stimulation used to treat some patients for Parkinson's disease also helped a few people ...
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Study links Parkinson's, agricultural fungicide
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
A new study has made a connection between Parkinson's disease and residents in the San Joaquin Valley who have experienced long-term exposure to certain ...
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Mayo Clinic Develops Potential New Therapy to Stop the Progression ...
MarketWatch - USA
All patients with Parkinson's disease have abnormal accumulations of alpha-synuclein protein in the brain. The new method involves the delivery of RNA ...
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1590 KLIV Silicon Valley News - San Jose,CA,USA
Sunnyvale - New research suggests there might be a link between pesticides and Parkinson's disease. The Parkinson's Institute is developing a registry of ...
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NeuroNexus Technologies and Philips Partner to Research Next ...
Their initial research will aim to meet the functional requirements of a deep brain stimulation device for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. ...
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Wrexham sufferer: 'Inequality of treatment for Parkinson's sufferers'
Evening Leader - Wrexham,Wales,UK
By Laura Hughes INEQUALITIES in services for people affected by Parkinson's are robbing them of their quality of life, according to a new group which has ...
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New branch to help those connected with Parkinson's
Boston Standard - UK
By Staff Copy Monday, 2pm - A NEW regional branch of the UK's leading Parkinson's charity has opened in Boston. Previously, sufferers of the disease, ...
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Fresno Bee (subscription)
Study bolsters Parkinson's-pesticide link
Fresno Bee (subscription) - Fresno,CA,USA
By Barbara Anderson / The Fresno Bee For years, researchers have suspected commercial pesticides put people at risk for Parkinson's disease. ...
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Mayo Clinic Develops Potential New Therapy To Stop The Progression ...
My Parkinson's Information - Orem,UT,USA
All patients with Parkinson’s disease have abnormal accumulations of alpha- synuclein protein in the brain. The new method involves the delivery of RNA ...
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Garner mayor diagnosed with Parkinson's - Raleigh,NC,USA
Garner, NC — Mayor Ronnie Williams announced Wednesday that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease but that he had no plans to step down. ...
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Music used as therapy for Parkinson’s sufferers
The Boston - Bay State Banner - Boston,MA,USA
Parkinson’s disease is stealing little bits of Sutton, carving away at the speech and mobility of this gentle, dignified man in the light blue sweater who ...
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Researchers Define Ideal Time for Stem Cell Collection for ...
Newswise (press release) - USA
This advance represents an important leap forward in the quest to devise a viable cell replacement therapy for Parkinson’s disease. ...
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Garner Mayor Releases Statement About Parkinson’s Diagnosis - Raleigh,NC,USA
At the close of that visit and after and MRI, it was concluded that I have Parkinson's disease. Dr. Hull and his staff explained that with today's medicine ...
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publicado às 19:40


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